Monday, May 3, 2010

It's Potty Time!

Parents Have a New Ally in Toilet Training!
Half the Battle of Toilet Training is to remind the child when it's time to go potty. The Potty Watch™ by Potty Time takes care of that job for you. It's easy for parents and fun for kids.

Children Respond to Musical Reminders
Music and blinking lights get children's attention in a way that's gentle and entertaining. When toddlers are busy playing, getting their attention can sometimes be a challenge. A child wearing a Potty Watch actually stops what they're doing and gets your attention to help them go potty.

Experts Advise Parents to Make Toilet Training Fun
From sinking cherrios to reading Once Upon a Potty, experts are stressing how important the fun factor is to potty training. Creating a high-stress situation in which children are unhappy about potty training can leave parents frustrated and children wet. Plus it comes in pink, green, and blue so little ones can choose which color they want!

Having just gotten over the whole potty training thing with Lucy, I have to say that this would've been so HELPFUL! Leave a comment on your best potty training tip or if you haven't gone through it yet, what is your biggest worry and I'll choose one person at random to WIN A FREE POTTY WATCH.

Can't wait to hear the potty stories! I've got way too many to list!



Brambilla said...

Not to the potty training stage yet. My sister-in-law has tried to start potty training with our nephew who turned 2 in December, but every time they take him into the bathroom, he screams when he sees the potty chair and runs out of the bathroom. Yikes, I hope we don't experience that when the time comes.

Shonna said...

We're just getting into the whole potty idea. Sometimes he cooperates and sometimes he doesn't. My biggest fear is that we'll still be potty training when he's 10!

Mandey said...

We are potty training the twins right now & have been but sure is different with twins compared to my older girls! I am hoping ONE day soon they will just grasp hold of the whole idea to go potty in the potty! ha!

krysta said...

we've been starting to wonder a little bit when we'll start trying to potty train our son - and the whole process makes me a little nervous! but not as nervous as paying for 2 kids to be in diapers! :)

Amanda N. said...

My biggest fear is that she won't take to it, and it will take forever! This is our first, so we have no idea what to expect!

jmhoyland said...

We used a chart of 50 squares and each time she went she got a sticker to fill in the squares. Along side the chart was a picture of the item she would beg for when we went shopping and if she filled in the squares we would buy the Strawberry smelling Care Bear. It took two charts and two fruit smelling Care Bears to finally work. Hopefully our next one won't want something more expensive!

Vanessa said...

We are completely day trained, but night trained is a different story. My biggest tip is just to wait until they are ready. It sounds so simple, but we had SO much less stress and anxiety when I didn't try and rush her. When I waited for her, she did awesome!

MamaNiff said...

We're about to get started on potty training with our 2 yr 5 mo old son, and this watch would be perfect for him! He loves watches and it could be the motivator to get him to really want to sit on the potty! He's sat down many times, but nothing ever happens because I think he decided to do it *after* he's done something already.

Heather said...

I haven't gotten there yet, but would love to win this to give to my nephew who's been working on potty training for quite a while now!

TBRKO said...

The best piece of advice I was ever given was that no child goes to kindergarten in diapers. It's a good reminder that we can't push our kids to much...when they are ready, they will do it.
That being said, when my son Ryan turned three, I just yanked the diapers (figuratively). He did poop in his underwear for a month however...

Tara said...

We tried the sticker chart, jellybeans, and bribery with a new ride-on toy. I'm not sure if the bribery worked, but he was trained shortly after getting it. I agree with not pushing them....they'll do it when they are ready!

The Mann Family said...

Yay for you getting the potty watch! I am trying to get Parker to use the "big boy potty" since he has to be potty trained for preschool (which starts in September). I just worry that he will not want to be a "big boy" and go back to diapers immediately. And Kris---baby Grace was born April 20th! She finally decided to make her debut. I will send you pics soon. We used many Pout accessories for her newborn shoot...including the adorable new hat with the pink flower!


Kris said...

Yay Meagan! Can't wait to see pictures of baby Grace. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

We experimented with "letting him run free" so Anthony could get on the potty as soon as he felt the urge. Yeah, if you do that BEWARE. He loved going free and leaving a "surprise" in the living room for mommy to clean up. Lets just say it was a #2. Now I am starting with Alex and he LOVES his big brothers watch. This may just be the trick I need.

P.S Tell Lulu Happy Birthday!!! xoxo-Melissa